Testent is a smarter way to test software
An IDE extension which automatically writes the unit tests for Typescript

High quality code | deliver on time
Easy to use IDE tool
No more untested code
Writing unit tests is not tedious anymore
Testent generates unit tests automatically. You can also choose what kind of tests it generates.
You can spend your time on new features and validating business
With Testent you can focus on developing new stuff without sacrificing code quality.
Your code does not leave your computer
Testent IDE tool does not send your code nor other data anywhere.
High quality code | deliver on time
A New Standard for Testing
Software testing and debugging automatized and optimized.
Maximize Shift-Left
Testent enables instant test creation and execution in IDE or CI/CD pipeline providing actionablee feedback as early as possible in the development process.
Ensure Team Productivity
Testent reduces the proportion of development budget spent on testing, debugging, bug fixing, quality assurance and incident management.
Optimize Code Quality vs Risk
Testent helps in finding quickly a balance between code quality, testing coverage and time-to-deployment when code, platform or infrastructure is changed.
We work where you do
Use in your favorite IDE
Increase your productivity. Works on Windows, Linux and Mac

Download from Microsoft Marketplace

JetBrains (Coming)

Sublime (Coming)
People making this happen

Juha Sälli
Technology innovator solving his own problem and turning developers’ love/hate-relationship with unit testing to love-love relationship. Seen the impact of poor software quality. On a quest for better developer tooling.

Teemu Leppänen
Enterprise software expert with 30,000 hours of software development leadership. First-hand understanding of the drivers of today’s software quality. Managed the debugging of over 100,000+ real-world bugs and seen their business impact.
If you are a JavaScript / Typescript Specialist or AI Engineer / Data Scientist or B2B Growth Hacker interested in making your mark in the next generation of software testing please contact us to find out opportunities to join our team.
Looking for new talent to join the team!

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